Blog ideas to improve SEO


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Blog ideas to improve SEO

Posted in Blogging for SEO on 2012-08-14, Last Updated on 2012-08-14

I recently had an enquiry from a web designer client who wanted articles to post on his blog. While I don't have articles to give out, I did have some advice! I did mention that copying verbatim from other sources was a REALLY bad idea. I said about copying from our site:

"You are welcome to use some of them for ideas, but copying is not a good strategy as the search engines will pick this up as duplicate content and they might penalise your site."

Ideas for blog articles:

  1. I wonder about,
  2. My client's wonder about
  3. top 5 things....

1) I wonder about

When ever I wonder about something, I research and I write a blog. The reason I do this is because often I want my research to be somewhere where I can find it later on for my own use, but also because if I need to learn something, then there's a good chance my client's do too. For instance, a while ago I needed to learn how to make a progress bar in CSS, so I researched and wrote this article: CSS Progress Bars

2) Things my client's wonder about.

If I get enquiries from my client's, I usually will write an article and then I'll refer them to the article. This helps the next time a client has the same question, or, if someone who is not a client searches google, hopefully they'll land on my site and become a client (it could be you!!!)! For example, a client recently needed to find out from me how to enabled certain features in their hosting account using PHP, so I wrote this article: Create your own php.ini to tweak settings for your website

3) Top 5 things

This is a very popular style of writing and they do well in search engines. It does not have to be 5 things, it can be 3 or 10 or whatever. Something like, "Top 5 reasons you should host in Linux servers"....
When people search on google they will often search for "3 reasons I should do ....", so these top lists are very good.

A variation of that is to create a step by step guide, so as an example, "3 steps to creating a logo", etc....

I hope this helps! Please do leave a comment at below this article with your own ideas on blogging for SEO.


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